you mite laugh but it dose happen i have had players sponge bullets from a ksg when i have it on target not a foot away from me but it is like im not shooting **** call it lag call it what ever you wont but it happens to most of us and if you don't see the problem then that means you ar 1 of the players that sponge and think you ar good when if you was on local of system link then you will see that you are not as good as you finck as i have played online with a mate it was a good game i won 30-28 then we played on system link and guess what i win 30-5 because he cant sponge no more and no mater how many games we had he did not stand a chance so there is not just players with **** aim but there is players that need to shoot more as i have seen and i hav had games where i shoot and kill players with 2 shot with smg's across the map at the start of the game so i no im the only player shooting at him so dont try giving all that bull about aim or you think you was shooting but you did not pull the triger like all the bull you get from the Mr no it all but don't no **** you no hew you ar time 2 fix up and stop being a suck up and just admit the game is ****** it will never get fixed when most of you ar happy with getting bull shited all the time