GHOSTS CLAN - LEVEL 20 - GOLD CLAN TAGS ALREADY! Successful multi-console...
DOMdeo optimo maximowww.domclan.orgWe are now looking for more QUALITY gamers for our already successful and active community. If you are looking to play with other gamers who are dedicated to team...
View ArticleRe: Not being able to play with friends
Hey Phinfever, The NAT type isn't something to actually change from strict to open or Type 3 to Type 1. It is a representation of the setting on your router and how communication with the servers are....
View ArticleRe: deranked by modder named damagingroom
Not if you mark him as avoid. You can also report him for stalking. Now YOU have to join HIS modded lobby for him to derank you. Mark him as avoid, block all communications, change your status to...
View ArticleRe: Streaming
Please view theYouTube & Streaming Guidelines. Posting multimedia content without providing a valid, written discussion topic or requesting likes, views, ratings, subscriptions, etc. is forbidden....
View ArticleRe: What are your Squad Members' names and why?
Ok. I'm stealing your idea. Only kidding. That is brilliant though. Wish I thought of that.
View ArticleRe: Seriously, IW. U guys slowed the game to a time limit crawl with these...
i really hope the bo2 version of ghost/scorestreaks and the ghost tier less version of the pick 12 become a staple in future cod games. i miss the days of getting mad at my mates for constantly...
View ArticleRecruiting Clan Members for: TheEliteSoldiers (Everyone is Welcome!)
Hi,I am looking for Clan Members to joinTheEliteSoliders.Info about the clan:- Name: TheEliteSoldiers- Clan Tag: Pros- Motto: Go Hard or Go Home!- Level 6 Clan- Clan K/D Ratio: 1- 37 Clan Members...
View ArticleCheck stats
is there a website that shows all of your stats? They had it for bo2, bo1 and mw3 but I cant find any for ghosts
View ArticleRe: What are your Squad Members' names and why?
I'm boring and kept the default names. I haven't played the campaign so I wasn't sure if the names had meaning or just random. Its just something I haven't really cared about. I do think the names you...
View ArticleRe: HELP!
is dlc active or off on your game... should be an option when you enter into multiplayer.
View ArticleRe: Platinum Clan Level 14 - Successful All Platforms! PS3, PS4, Xbox One,...
Hey my psn is zombieskull107i keep trying to apply via the app but for some reason it will not let me. is there anyway anyone on the ps4 can add me as a friend and invite? if not ill keep trying from...
View ArticleRe: Home do you get out of Homecoming?
Hey annieo, Have you tried restarting the mission from the pause menu or from the mission select menu? Have console are you playing on? If restarting didn't help, have you tried uninstalling and...
View ArticleJoin -xGhost_$quadx- a new black ops 2 clan that is growing (PS3) & Needs...
first of all lets get one thing straight this clan needs loyal players who are willing to earn gold clan tags as a team. What we need:•A Youtuber/editor to promote and show our clans real...
View ArticleThe app will not count our wins during the clan wars
This is our last clan war for our 4th win in Platinum Division. Now during this clan war, we always party up with at least 6 people. But when we win a game type, it only counts a certain maybe 1-3...
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