Re: Lying face down in a corner?
I saw one today, can't remember what map but he was behind a crate and just laying down staring into the crate. I thought maybe he could see cookies inside or something. But as soon as I see this guy,...
View ArticleLooking for a clan PS3/PS4?????????
im from australia am looking for any clan that plays reguraly weather is a aussie clan or overseas i have **** KD .72 ive just had bad couple weeks but most times i do run over .85slowly working way...
View Articleps3 Clan looking for an editor!!
If u r a person that can make youtube video for our clan it would really appreciate clan page Message xx_blades29_xx or swagitsjay if u will be...
View ArticleRe: Remove the bank and fridge from zombies!!
Agreed. Makes it to easy for casuals and bad players. And for the idiots who say "don't like it, don't use it" doesn't work that way. People in your game will use it, and it also distorts the...
View ArticleRe: Let's play a game.....would you rather...
What you talking about I been to School and college
View ArticleRe: Who will continue to play BlackOPs2 once/if Ghosts arrives?
Padiego wrote: MW3 is not a real game. It is a piece of crap held together by string and bubblegum.Somewhat like this game, but MW3 is better. It seems that people from florida get on with blops1 and...
View ArticleRe: Who is still buying Ghosts for PS4
that's very true, but you do say your not getting the PS4 version of Ghost, coz it won't have Ded Servers so people will jump to that your getting a XBOX one instead of the PS4, if you get my meaning...
View ArticleRe: Anyone else get annoyed with this?
CaY2694 wrote: I don't know...It just doesn't seem like ur reasoning could be the cause because I'm not an attention seeker like that. All I care about when it comes to playing is killing zombies and...
View ArticleRe: What is the scorestreak setup you always use
I personally don't have one set of streaks I run. I run whatever i'm in the mood for. My favorite streaks are Loadstar for pounding, warthog for it's terrifying sound, swarm generally for the who the f...
Does the clan play League Play?
View ArticleRe: Wall Weapons VS The Box
You talk about the Galil my friend as if it's a bad gun, headshots for days. Could use more ammo, I love using it until I have no ammo. I'm usually always getting a AN-94 or the green bus pistol and...
View ArticleRe: Ghosts MP details from the reveal event
I'm not sure if people really understand deadeye completely tbh... You have a chance to deal more damage with bullets and the chance increases every kill you get, plus it cost 5 points so we feel it's...
View ArticleRe: Drops aka “Power Ups”
Well, if it could be understood, people could potentially up the amount of drops per round, or when, and maybe even what drop. That holds a lot of steam in my engine.
View ArticleRe: need 3 people for buried ee
Need help with that EE? I can help! Just send me a message while I'm online, and as long as I'm free, I'll help get you that achievement that you want. `cheers (Xbox) "YumSoylentGreen" <<<<...
View Articlehow is it that they nerfed evety other gun but they never nerf the LMGS one i...
i noticed how they have not nerfed the lmgs to me some need nerfed like the mk48 because it has like no kick and players are able to fire long distance with even with it a silencer on and still hit the...
View ArticleRe: Anyone else get annoyed with this?
I will be 20 in JanuaryIdk I may sound young... and in a sense I kinda am still.
View ArticleRe: Anyone else get annoyed with this?
When I usually tell people I'm a girl, they don't believe me and I end up having to give them the link to my FB.
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