Re: Xbox 360 ELITE Champions' List for Black Ops II (the COMPLETE "official"...
The last two clan ops were won by clans with 14 members and FOUR members. This stinks of serious issues with clan ops (once again).
View ArticleLooking for a clan (ps3-mw3)
Hello, me and my friend are looking for a good clan for us to play full party,My ratio is 1,82 and his is 1.90 but almost every game our k/d is 2+ Are there any clans with 2k/d that wil accept us ? His...
View ArticleNew Clan NWIA
Need members its just me and my friend right now we are good but we need members come check us out register and apply MW3 and BO2 players we are looking for PS3
View ArticleRe: Favorite and Least Favorite Playable Character
View ArticleRe: Spawns in Nuketown Headquarters
I had a similar scenario. Nuketown HQ as well, the HQ was in the garage in front of the A flag side. All of the sudden I die from behind. The guy I just killed spawned directly behind me in the garden...
View ArticleThe HATE Between Xbox 360 and PS3 (Long Post)
I have noticed on here that there is infact a lot of hate between Xbox 360 and PS3 players.I am currently the owner of both consoles, through my personal opinion I perfer the 360 for Zombies and CoD...
View ArticleRe: Will cod ghost have bots offline but still be able to level up
I really hope they do include bots in this game. I warm up an practice on BO2 against bots all the time and it's a great place to try out all the weapons and different set-ups as well as to learn all...
View ArticleRe: Campers aren't as bad as you think
EMP+Engineer = free VSATs off morons like you. Best part about you blackxworm fanboys is you continually go back to the exact same spot. You make my life easier to be honest, so thanks for sucking and...
View ArticleLooking for strong PS3 clan
Hi everybody, I am English and looking for a english speaking clan, That play at GMT zone.My PS3 name is purefinnish and I am looking for a strong clan in which to play either public or competative...
View ArticleRe: Whats the biggest Score Gap you've ever seen in Kill Confirmed?
Niiiiice. Did you get a video of it? And also, can anyone top that? Pretty much all I play is HCKC too. If you are UK/EU, maybe we'll bump into one another. If we do, and we have 2 full 6's (unlikely),...
View ArticleRe: Spawns in Nuketown Headquarters
This is the way NT spawns are in some/most game modes (all spawns are bad, but in some games it is worse than others). Top 3 Games I find you spawn near (if not in front) of the enemy on NT (from worst...
View ArticleRe: Whats the biggest Score Gap you've ever seen in Kill Confirmed?
Oh will you take your tryhard panties off for once! I swear I'll break into your house and delete that emblem. Doesn't even have a duck on it either, you utter nub
View ArticleRe: Buried Achievement List & Theorys
The buy the lsat and pack a punch it is a weird trophy. They are not usually that srtaight forward. I think there might be a twist to that trophy.
View ArticleRe: Has Search and Destroy become a joke?
S&D has been a joke since trickshotting became "cool"
View ArticleRe: PaP at start in Buried: NML?
I think the PAP will be in a maze and you have to build it and the parts spawn randomly throughout the maze
View Articleperma perk jug after the recent update
after the recent update perma perk jug seems to have a different way to be obtained than before. i tried 5 times and i didnt get the perma perk. After that i just decided to play solo without the perk....
View ArticleRe: Whats the biggest Score Gap you've ever seen in Kill Confirmed?
Re-read the title and the OP. The point of the thread is here ---->. you're about here ------>. Missed it by quite a shot
View ArticleRe: Campers aren't as bad as you think
If you think people like this are so easy to kill, then calling them morons is very counter-intuitive. When I see people doing the wrong thing* I tend not to correct them if it benefits me. * not...
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