Re: - iTrooper - DANSK social clan. LVL 22 Platinum CW
3. plads i sidst Platin Clan War.. mangler flere core spillere
View ArticleRe: HeroHQ Survivors
Incoming big post of recommendations! Cause ya know I can't just list numbers without talking about the stories themselves, haha. Better warm up the notepads now, this is gonna be pretty long......
View ArticleDropshot of Duty: Spawn Killing Ghosts
Straight up! I find myself NOT enjoying this multiplayer like I want to... The players I run into run with guille suits. set up tents with s'mores with inhumane accuracy (sometimes with modded...
View ArticleRe: LOOKING FOR EU / UK MEMBERS! - [Sponsored] Clan looking for more players...
hey my account got hacked add my new account (its my first ghosts account so the kd is only .91) you already approached me through a lt com in my old acct cann you approach me again here i already...
View ArticleRe: Looking for clan {PS4} SNIPER!
hey i need a sniping clan really badly on ps4 on ghosts I have a youtube channel (pretty small number of subs)( and my psn is DaiZeSniping all i do on ghosts and use shot gun...
View ArticleRe: Dropshot of Duty: Spawn Killing Ghosts
People sound whore like crazy this game and if you see players in red and yellow gear, they're usually experienced and by now most decent players have figured out the spawn system. Anyway, the rest of...
View ArticleRe: Need HELP Achieving Devgru Dominator Headgear
Free for allStrikezone, flooded, fog, tremor, free fall, and sovereign. Stay in tight areas and slash through them until u get it.I did the balls of steel patch before this one, so I was easily able to...
View ArticlePS3 lvl 20 clan looking for 1kd players or better
hi if you are looking for a clan on ps3 and your kd is better than 1 then you can join Pr3CiSiOn. we only have 9 players in our clan so far and we are in gold clan wars. we want you to join ONLY if u...
View ArticleRe: Ban the Thermal Sight from Esports
if they ban thermal, smoke grenade will be too OP. if 4 players on a team uses smoke + the extra technical grenade perk, there will be 8 smoke. this will make Blitz too fluky. There's already a counter...
View ArticleRe: Ban the Thermal Sight from Esports
Wow, "another whinge on something so basic to counter thread" Overthinkable wrote: It's just cheap to use. please ban it from Clan Vs Clan Playlist. thoughts?
hi if you are looking for a clan on ps3 and your kd is better than 1 then you can join Pr3CiSiOn. we only have 9 players in our clan so far and we are in gold clan wars. we want you to join ONLY if u...
View ArticleRe: The Ripper
i thought the ripper was OP when it first came to xbox, watched many videos and most youtuber says its a top tier weapon (which i agree) and some says it is OP. but when it finally been released on the...
View ArticleAttention Casual PS4 Players
Tired of being spawn trapped? Tired of wearing tryhard panties and carrying your team to victory in every game? Well I can't guarantee that either of those things still won't happen with my new clan,...
View ArticleRe: Help! How do I kick people from my clan who don't have the game yet that...
I found out that ghost clan battles are determined by clan size.We have 51 members ,yet only 15-20 have game.Most of the members were drafted from Bops2,as they said you could.Now when we have ghost...
View ArticleRe: Treyarch's 2015 CoD predictions.
I predict a riot. And bad connections. And bad matchmaking. And an unusually vitriolic response on the community forums
View ArticleRe: Next possible movie field order cameo in DLC 3
LMAO, if you put the predator noises into google translate that is exactly what he says ...probably!
View ArticleRe: SMG's Buffed Too Much
there was no buff to the mtar so your argument about the smg buff being too great because of the mtar is quite flawed. smgs should/can still kill you at range (especially the mtar) of course with a...
View Articleclan looking for active players to help in clan wars
. pr3cision is not a full on tryhard clan we have some fun on most gamemodes and then do quite well on clanwars.we only have 9 players in our clan so will play with you and so far and we are in gold...
View ArticleRe: [PS3/4] Slayers Energy Recruiting
we only have 9 players in our clan so far and we are in gold clan wars. we want you to join ONLY if u will help in the clan wars with us. hope some of u join and if u are interested either contact me...
View ArticleRe: SMG buff. . . I'm done.
You are joking right? Look at any high KDR player in the game. I have seen 3+ KDR players and almost all of them have M27 as their top weapon or maybe MTAR x. It's clear that many players abuse the M27...
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