Re: I hope IW reads this
I play nothing but HC SnR in Ghosts, HC SnD in all the other CoDs. I can't stand all the clutter on the HUD, Core drives me insane.
View ArticleRe: Ban The Forum Member Above You.. V.2
Banned for almost letting this thread fall off the first page and for getting away with it for 3 days
View ArticleRe: SMG buff. . . I'm done.
First you seem to believe the MTAR is still the only viable SMG choice and state that as fact when it is in fact just your opinion. The reality is the added range and (in varying combination of) better...
View ArticleRe: Bad sportsmanship, take the loss
It's clan wars. The clan you just played is after the wins and not losses. They know the game is lost and there is no point for them to continue. They are saving time by backing out. If that clan is...
View ArticlePing Compensation horrible on ps4 needs adjustment
the ps4 ping or lag compensation is so off its like i either kill everyone and cant be killed or i get get a kill at all unless the guy isnt looking when i shoot him. on the ps3 its perfect and very...
View ArticleRe: Join XIRZ ImmortalReaperz ps3/ps4 Lvl 25 max Diamond Division
PPlease add me on psn I want United States players on we need some really good players so hit me up we will talk through things
View ArticleRe: the deathsworne is looking for members (ps3)
Hi, my psn name is boucicaut my kd right now is 1.042 but its going up. I play cod ghosts everyday. My total play time is over 14 days and I have a mic. Im a very competite player in im looking to...
View ArticleRe: LAG
ok. thanks for all the posts. I just wanted to make sure that it wasnt my connection or to make sure that im not crazy or something.
View ArticleJoin ImmortalReaperz PS3\Ps4 diamond division lvl 25 max
Hey guys how is everything doing I lay the law down to people in my clan I ruN my clan the right way I want objective players and slayers that play objective..1.50+ kd ratio and high w/l ratio as well...
View ArticleMax amount of wins
My clan took SnR and dom, so we decided to just keep playing these nodes since we had a big lead. But we were not getting any more wins for these nodes. I understand that some clans maybe playing these...
View ArticleRe: Favorite Starting Room?
im also for verruckt. hope they do this in a future map (or a 3/1 or a 1/1/1/1 starting room. anything besides the regular 4 together)
View ArticleRe: What the heck is IW doing about Hackers?
there are tons of hackers ive talked with them they are mostly playing clan v clan here is a link to the new hack they are using as of 2 days ago its a videoCall of Duty Ghosts Hack April 2014 PC...
View ArticleRe: Moon EE Question
richtofen does. start the match, if he has the golden rod with red on the middle part, then you're all set
View Articlebonus pool teeth reset
I don't know if this is a bug or something, but I had 3 on the 3rd on the X1 and when I played mayhem on the 360 the bonus pool reset to zero teeth. Also off topic maybe someone here knows how I...
View ArticleGas Mask Gang Recruiting! [USA] [360]
Hello! My name is Lake (gamertag: SomebodysSon) and I recently started the Ghosts Clan Gas Mask Gang with my two brothers just so we could level and have people to regularly play with. Now we have 9...
View ArticleRe: can someone please explain to me how cp works also explain how it is...
CP, or capture points are earned for capturing a node, say 22cp for a given node. Once that node is captured, you get an additional 1cp per hour you hold the node. The cp accumulate for all the nodes...
Hey im from SHTF CLAN and we are a diamond division clan that is looking to add more players. We have a 1.90 clan kdr and play every gamemode including hardcore. Requirements are you must have over a...
View ArticleRe: SMG buff. . . I'm done.
I think macc mentioned something to the effect that the buff happened earlier than people realize. As a result, they "don't see any improvement" after the announcement. Of course they don't.
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