Please no. BO2 system did not work.
Tier 1 was alright.Lightweight sped up the game and Flak Jacket was very useful against C4, killstreaks, or other explosives. Ghost was somewhat effective, but in its nerfed state didn't compete with LW or FJ. Blind eye and Hardline were only situational.Still Tier 1 had some variety.
Tier 2 was dominated by Toughness. Literally every other perk was outclassed. Perks like cold blooded, fast hands, hard wired were completely outclassed by toughness. Scavenger was only for C4 whores. The only time you wouldn't run toughness is if you were running a shotgun, so it's clear this
Tier 3 was dominated by Dexterity. Engineer is barely needed because you can easily avoid equipment in BO2 and its situational at best. Tac Mask was nerfed from older games and only minimized the effects of stuns or flash. Extreme Conditioning was MW3 style garbage with 2x instead of unlimited and was pretty much pointless. Footsteps were a joke in BO2 and no one ran Dead Silence or Awareness because there was no point. Again, another perk slot with a couple clear choices and a bunch of second tier outclassed perks.
Pick 10 in general was the worst system imo. It wasn't balanced at all. Especially when you had people running around with all the OP perks and a pistol/knife. At least Ghosts valued the perks individually.