If the TTK or whatever you got wrong in ghosts is a problem in Advanced Warfare then it will also be a flop. You NEED to balance giving players enough time to react but not too much time to react, providing this balance gives players enough time to rely on their gun skill to separate the noobs from the pros. MW3 had this sense of balance done well.
This is exactly the problem with Ghosts, IMO. With so much riding on the connection of everyone in the lobby, having an almost HC-style TTK is ridiculous. The alleged dedis that may or may not be up and running don't seem to make a difference. There needs to be a higher TTK in order for gun skill to come into play.
The last few weeks have been miserable for me on COD. I have found myself playing Titanfall on XB1 almost exclusively. I made fun of people touting Titanfall for the longest time, but it runs smoothly and very rarely do I get BS deaths. It's not exactly the style of game I like or am used to, but it's refreshing compared to the anger that COD brings me nowadays.
I assume the change in Ghosts is due to the following:
1) The first map pack being added to regular rotation, limiting the number of players available for matchmaking.
2) The update in late April seemed to wreak havoc on many.
3) The glitches that have appeared the last few weeks are ridiculous. Many legit players were reset for no reason, hacked lobbies, players unkillable to enemies, etc...
4) Most of the decent players seem to have taken a break from it, leaving many campers, quickscopers, etc... Just a pain in the A to play against.
I really think COD developers need to go back to their roots rather than try to innovate. I think refreshing the classics with new maps, weapons would be the best way to go. People say you are supposed to move forward, but forward is what seems to have killed COD. No one talks about how awesome the newer CODs are. They reminisce about how awesome COD4, BO and MW2 were. Do the math, devs.