Nah, once I see the game has cheats being sold for it I test em on another account and If I don't get banned within a few weeks I usually stop playing the game.
Trying to weed through admin run servers looking for the clean one winds up being a joke. There are just way to many people using these cheats and swearing they aren't, (admins too) Once the cheat get's around a game it becomes a waste and all you wind up doing is playing with a bunch of skilled cheaters claiming they are legit and an admin who supports their bs claims of legitimacy and often times use cheats themselves.
For me weeding through that nonsense isn't any fun either, having people gang up to claim that someone is legit is just stupid, but this is what goes on in admin run servers so I'm not so interested in listening to some admin speak for another player saying he's legit when he obviously is not.