That is what I have been saying the past 2 weeks on a couple threads.
One guy went as far as to say that rushers ruined CoD... LOL!
You are right, if everyone used their tactics, even more games would end on time limit... more than they currently do. Ghosts caters to the camping playstyle in so many ways.
I actually saw a guy with the the most used weapon as an IED a few weeks ago... mind blown on how that is even possible lol. He/she had a 2.3 k/d.
They made large maps and lots of cover to try to facilitate all types of gameplay. What ended up happening is people stopped playing aggressively and instead, just lean/head glitch behind cover, picking off the few brave individuals dumb enough to attempt to play at a fast pace.
The campers still sit in buildings, many SMG users have gone to the AR gameplay, so what happens? All the cover designed for aggressive player to cross open areas already has someone waiting on the other side leaning. So either he picks you off with an AR or his buddy in one of the buildings does.
There are some games where I say f*ck it and sit in a building just so I don't keep getting shot from across the map. Being killed by people you never see is what Battlefield is all about lol.
There are so many second story windows/ledges, and so much cover to hide behind. When 90% of the maps (not counting DLC) grant you that much range, you can't really blame the players for being advantageous... though there will always be the typical douche bags. When ghosts released, it was a game that favored maybe 10% of the community (the "tactical") players... we have all seen how many people are back on blops2 . The new DLC maps are bringing that good old CoD feel back, slowly but surely. I think we have all had enough games on stonehaven lol.
Like I have said in other threads, campers do not sit in buildings because it is "fun", despite what they may tell you lol.
I'm saying this from a running solo perspective... running my with usual team, we literally **** on campers, all it takes is one call out and they are done.
Campers will always be in this game, whether it is lack of gun skill or trying to nurse an irrelevant k/d. When a CoD game makes that style of play so easy and rewarding, that is when there is an issue. People can try to argue it many ways, but ghosts is unpopular because it is a slow ass boring game. Maybe I am wrong, but my friends list is full of people playing blops2 at the moment for a reason.