ctfw529 wrote:
again, you do not know the particulars. i did not pre-order the season pass, i bought it on my ps4 the day onslaught DLC went live on the PS store. at that time, the original documents were still up at activisions KB.
I never said you pre-ordered the Season Pass. I said IF (you see the word IF) you preordered the season pass. So before you start copping an attitude accusing me of something learn how to read.
as far as my comment "people like you", is not an insult, it's the simple truth. when you first replied to someone in this thread, you blasted them, basically telling them they were wrong. you even went so far as linking the support page, which we've all seen, and we all know it changed. you even replied to me, that after reading another of my posts, that you saw the issue at hand. yet, here you are assuming things you know nothing about. my "people like you" comment is meant as you being someone who doesn't know the full extent of the issue, and, at first, didn't even know there was an issue, as evidenced by the fact that you linked the *new* support page and told that poster "that's the way it is, you're wrong", not your quote, but it's close. by you assuming the poster is wrong and not even looking at the entire issue before making your assumptions, puts you squarely into the "company line" type of people, IMO. if that's not the case, then i apologize for that, but your posts do not come across that way, in this thread, on this issue, at least.
QUOTE "As I said . Did you notice how I assumed that "people like you" are at fault ? Just like you did me. So does that mean you insulted me first saying "people like me" ? No it doesnt. (let me repeat NO IT DOESNT) " See how I said that it doesnt mean you insulted me ? You assume I was "that type of people" just based off of one or two posts.
I admitted I was wrong about that statement didnt I. So do you want me to chop my arm off to make you happy ? How about sacrificing my firstborn ? See thats the problem with "you people" someone like me admits they made a mistake and you jump all over them even worse after they did. Did you happen to see the part in the original post where I said "to my knowledge" . I didnt blast him, I said to my knowledge I didnt see it YET. That means I dont have the full details do I ?
Look at the post where I AGREED with killer
"I change my stance. Assuming you are talking about Onslaught .After seeing a post from one of swords that changes things. (the link)" See how I agreed with him and showed WHY I agreed with him. I posted that link to AGREE with him not to tell him he was wrong. I posted that link AFTER I admitted I was wrong.
so, again, you do not know all of the particulars here, not being affected by it, so why are you even bothering with this thread, and issue? i do research all of my purchases before buying them, it's smart consumerism. but, i can't help that a company changes it's offer after i've already bought it.
So wait. AFTER you bought it they changed it. And they changed it AFTER the DLC went on sale. So wouldnt that mean you paid for it BEFORE the DLC went on sale ? In Eitse you still bought it too soon. What could YOU have done to prevent this ? Not bought it so soon. What could YOU have done to prevent a guy running a red light and crashing into you ? Checked both ways anyway even if you had the right of way. Yeah I am not being affected by it because again, I covered my ass before I bought it . I waited until other people bought it. THE 360 version didnt come on sale to about January, when did I buy it ? March. I took more than a month to test out the waters.
There was a conflicting post in one of sword post that was made in January. He contradicted himself many times in his post. Yet a month later you still bought it. It took me twenty minutes to find that post of his after I spoke. So if it took me twenty minutes after I spoke to find it how could you have done the research before buying. If the post I saw had to do with something I wanted to buy I wouldnt have made the purchase until I got an answer. You said you saw that link I posted and yet you still bought it didnt you ?
Your QUOTE "i bought it on my ps4 the day onslaught DLC went live on the PS store.". So again why did you rush out and buy it ? Why didnt you at LEAST wait to see what other peoples opinions of the maps were. Why did you need to buy it the first day ? If you had of waited you would have not gotten screwed, you need to be more proactive in your decisions. Hence the reason I said not to go jumping into the pool so soon.
um, what are you talking about "6 months"? this issue didn't, and couldn't have come to light until, we, on PS consoles, even had the chance to get anything to even see that there was a problem and that wasn't until Feb 28th. it is now a little over a full month since this issue came to light. again, we have all been giving them a chance to sort it out amongst themselves.
again, that's you not knowing the particulars. you keep assuming things, you really shouldn't do that.
"Good luck on your crusade Don Quixote" - that's the insult, if you didn't know, which, honestly, you must not truly understand what that story is all about, if you're referring it to me, or this situation. you have no dog in this hunt, yet you agree we shouldn't be getting screwed over by these companies, but, you're "implying" that we should just sit down and shut up. sorry, that's not how i work.
The reason I called you Don Quixote was because that is what you are doing repeatedly posting here. Doing nothing. When they people who went after EA games for the BF1943 issue, what did they do. They DID something. They hired lawyers. What did the people with the Aliens/ Predator issue do ? They hired lawyers. What are you doing ? Posting complaints arguing repeatedly on an internet forum. All you are right now is an ant yelling at a lawnmower to keep it down. I am not telling you to shut up, but what I am telling you is you need to go about it a different way.
you made the mistake of rushing out to get it on day one. You made a mistake, Take responsibility for you reaching for your wallet so soon and learn from your mistake. Companies screw over customers every single day. So what can you do to prevent it ? WAIT before pulling out your wallet. Their was no reason why you had to have to DLC on the first day.
The product (COD Ghosts) was released 6 months ago. And you were one the ones that got screwed and participated in the BF1943 scenario. YET you didnt warn anybody before the release of the DLC, you warned them AFTER you got screwed. You didnt learn anything when you got screwed over with BF1943 did you ? You rushed out and bought the DLC on the PSN the day it came out. If you were so concerned about people in general getting screwed over, again I ask, WHY are you waiting until now ?
You got screwed over in the BF1943 scenario and yet you say you are a cautious consumer. Yet after getting screwed over once you rush out and buy the DLC the first day. So now you got screwed over twice. And NOW you decide to watch out when you reach for your wallet ? Fool me once shame on me fool me twice .... Those types of people that repeatedly get screwed over and repeatedly keep spending money are the reason companies do this to the average customer. (Actually the way it actually works is a company STILL cares about profits up til the moment they file for bankruptcy and keep on screwing over customers caring about profits after that too.They care about profits even when they decide to stop a video game dead in its tracks and end it. )
Lets say IF a moderator steps in (notice the word IF) and IF he decides this thread doesnt deserve to be here, or IF hew finds its just the same repeated stuff over and over and he decides to delete it, then where does that leave you ? Not saying in any way that they will do but this forum is owned by the same company you are fighting against. Its not a good idea to be making waves in their pool.