I have not played many online games either but no doubt the way lots of people talk who seem to play a lot of online games they are really impressed with Gaz's communication style and constant efforts to improve. I really like how they are very committed to making the game awesome, take feedback, improve, add and just make the game fun.
I went to the Moon Knight forum and his ultimate power sounds really cool if Ryonir is telling the truth. It sounds like he his power tree will be Khonosu, ranged and melee. With Khonosu he might get separate powers for each identity. Lots of people seem excited about him and they listed some of his gadgets, numchuks, staff, gliding cape a statue of Khonosu. It made me more interested in him. Just really want him to have major difference from some of the other light melee characters. I guess he will have more defense than dodge, which I like, since defense seems better to me anyway, lol.
Still only have two at 60 but have three in the 50's with Hulk coming up strong in the 40's. I have been playing Storm and IM trying to level up their legendary weapons, have IM and Gunghir up to level 3 and Storm's rod up to 2.