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Re: Best K/D, W/L, and best win streak?


I don't think I've seen higher than my own (anyone I do see, tends to back out pre-game - or only hang around if they're not playing solo) - mine are legitimate which is why I am proud of them:


I am a 100% solo player with the following stats - my main game modes are TDM (90%), FFA (5%) and Domination (5%)


- 3.55KDR

- 2.30 W/L

- Master Prestige with over 55,000 kills

- Accuracy is in the 25%+ region

- Average kills is 19+

- Average Score is 1900+

- Have about 20+ 6v6 TDM KEMS


- I NEVER BACK OUT in a lobby with supposedly decent players in it. Infact, I struggle to get lobbies, because people back out.


- I do the gold gun challenges, did the Clueless challenge, the Ghillie Suit challenge, the 'Surgical' Challenge etc. So I'm not always tryharding, using the most rigid/best classes.


I have taken some beatings, some that have put a lump in my throat. I have beaten full 6-man lobbies, and been beaten by them too.


I rarely get properly outplayed by someone who I would class as good, - in my time playing there have been a handful of solo players who have actually hurt my pride by besting me, simply because they have been just that: better than me. It's cliche, but I suffer most at the hands of my team-mates - poor team mates are usually the reason I am not able to meet the KDR that I have - otherwise, I really do not find it difficult to got 20+ Kills and 5 or less deaths.


I'm not boasting - just the way it is - and maintain that my stats are a reflection of what I do in game; stats aren't the reason I play the game.


I have a load of cool stuff/unlocks/patches etc - but the thing that makes me proudest about my COD stats/performance is that I will hang around in any lobby regardless of who plays it.


If I need to play defensively I will, If I need to rush I will, if I need to camp I will, if I need to soundwhore I will, the same for headglitching and staying in the G-SPOT (i.e staying in a spot where I know the enemy is 100% spawning - why would I not stay there and get easy kills? Afterall, I know they are there - why the hell would I ease off?)

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