deamonomic wrote:
blissken wrote:
Quick scoping is so far from reality it pretty much a gamechanger on this game.
It's too common now that gameplay is no longer enjoyable. If the purpose of this game is to be as realistic as real life they have failed. I've spent 11 yrs in spec ops and I'm impressed with a lot of it except quick scope. Its impossible for a sniper to do it. Anyone who says it's part of what happens has no knowledge of actual life. I really hope they fix this issue because this game is starting to suck with all the quick scoping.
you spent 11 years in spec ops... and consider call of duty realistic... but not quickscoping.... So health regen is realistic? or eating an RPG or C4 to the face and surviving is realistic? is eating a bullet to the head and shrugging it off realistic? or infinite lives? Or dropping hearing your bone snap and then run off like it didnt happen? Do current day millitary rush head long at the enemy, halo jump around corners and spin drop shot enemies after taking 2 to the back?
Call of duty is nothing like reality. In a single match of cod every single player in that match will play in an unrealistic manner/way a decent amount at some point or another. Saying that quickscoping should be gone or that its wrong or less skilled because its not realistic is hypocritical at the very least because there is so very much of call of duty that is not realistic and yet you all have no issue with that mountain of unrealistic things. The real reason is it annoys. Thats why people want it gone. People want it gone because they perceive that the sniper had an advantage or that it was unfair because he A: killed you and B: only had to fire one shot.
It it takes longer if not as long as for the sniper to fire off his kill shot as it is for an SMG to fire the amount needed to kill. If you see them at the same exact time, you both react at the same time and you both capable of using your weapon to kill accurately, then the deciding factor to who wins would be their connection to the host/server. And at that point if the sniper still wins, then its not the sniper, its lag. The one hit kill is an illusion. its an illusion because the other weapons can do it as well if used skillfully.
not only do you have an equal chance of gunning them down as they do you (excluding the damning existence of lag) from a pure time to kill stand point (time to kill being the time it takes to see, react, aim and fire the needed kill shots), But if you are using an AR or an SMG and its a medium to close range encounter, then you gain an even greater advantage over the sniper. Snipers have a harder time aiming the closer it is you get to them. A sniper is honestly not as mobile as an SMG or an AR. And by mobile Im not talking about the ability to sprint across the map. Im talking to how easily they can move around in a fight.
A player with an SMG can still drop shot, halo jump, strafe rapidly to the side. They can get an even higher time to kill advantage on the sniper by hip firing and make the snipers job of hitting them harder not only because they are hip firing and strafing, but because they are making the sniper deal with flinch. Ontop of which snipers typically have to either slow their movement or stop all together to pull off a shot.
For snipers one reason distance is preferred is because of the nature of the weapon. because its harder to aim the closer you get (close quarters), because its easier for them to aim the closer you are, and because you are punished for more severely for missing a shot. If a sniper misses in a close quarters fight, they will die. As such, traditional sniping tends to be at range, where a sniper isnt as heavily penalized for a missed shot, they have time correct their aim and fire others.
Call of duty isnt about realism. Its about giving us an experience of being an unstoppable killing machine while being the hero of the world. You get to be that guy who against all odds pulled it off. He survived that RPG to the face. He can snipe you at a moments notice from any distance. He can tear through his enemies at break neck speed like hes in some hollywood action film.
TLDR: This is a video game not real life. the game isnt even aimed at being realistic. Snipers are not over powered, they do not have an advantage in close quarters. The sniper having an advantage because it only fires one shot is an illusion and untrue.
Using realism to justify dislike of quickscoping is hypocritical because just about everything in cod is unrealistic as are the way the majority of the player base plays.
All the guns have real world names, and they all behave like their real world namesakes... Except Snipers...
The guy was referring to weapon realism, he didn't say he wanted the whole game to be just like real life...