Yes, we noticed that was an issue in numerous games as well. When a guy with a knife meets one with a gun on the battlefield from any distance beyond 15 feet which is what we refer to as the danger zone for bladed weapons, and the guy with the gun starts shooting as the other rushes at him with the knife, short of a weapon failure the knife wielder always looses, always, without exception.
In this game we witnessed people rushing from much longer distances as you shoot into them yet they rush by you never even slowing down and you are dead. Completly absurd and does indeed also need ot be addressed though the issue did not seem quite as completly out of control as the issue with the sniper rifles and shotguns.
For beginers even within the danger zone a frontal attack with a knife is rarely an instant kill as it happens in the game so rushing at someone from the front with a knife should never be a one-strike kill. Knives in battle are used only as a last ditch effort when your weapon is empty or malfunctions or for stealth attacks from the rear where the head is grabbed and pulled back bulging the jugular and the thorat cut.
In the game knife attacks should be modified so they are a one-strike kill only when approaching the from the rear of a stationairy target, all frontal attacks should require at least two strikes and at point-blank range. Any distance beyond 15 feet should always give the advantage to the gun user becaiuse the knife holder is using his knife improperly and ignoring every basic principle of hand to hand bladed combat.