.::GhosT FleeT::.
Ghost Fleet is a clan of mature US players just looking to have a good time. We are looking for new members for our clan. We are a Platinum Clan that has already Won 1 clan war. We already have all but one of the clan patches you can receive except location patches. We have 10 members right now and are looking to expand. We are a level 8 clan and need more players across XBox 360 and XBox-ONE. Most of our members play late at night or bright and early, since most of us work all day.
We play all game types and excel at Hardcore games and core Team Deathmatch. Would really enjoy it if we could get some more players on the XBox-ONE so more of us can play together. We play well as a clan and rarely lose. There are still half of us on the 360 but are switching to the One soon.
What we are looking for:
- Players that are on at least 3 days a week...more if in a clan war.
- Have a 1.25 k/d ratio
- Ghost app for communication and to see what we are going after in clan wars
- Have a mic
No players under 18 please...most of us are students
or parents ourselves.
You can either message me @ ghostfleetclan@gmail.com
or go on the Call of Duty Ghosts app
and type in Ghost Fleet in the search
and we will get back to you ASAP!
GT XBone: XDaXShadowX GhosT FleeT Commander