Clan Wars has clearly not been stress tested enough due to players boosting their wins by joining friends game ware they have 6 on one team and 4 on the other and win games in 30 secs or less or for-fitting, and again nothing being done about it and are cheat boosting almost 100 + cp a night with very little play time.
Clans BOOSTING in Clan Wars! SMH!
The above video shows clear boosting, and on top of that it works in many separate game modes..
Its bad enough not doing any thing about the perk hack and weapons hack but ruining clan wars as well is just unfair allot of people have spent days grinding or playing really hard to keep up with cheaters and nothing i mean nothing is being done about it. They will keep their wins and move on to the next division leaving the people who legitimately played with nothing but twiddling their thumbs and wasted time.
You should award 0 game wins for clan wars if the same clan member joins on the opposing team its that simple.
I am genuinely disheartened and angry at the above facts and not only have you let your selves down but your community as well allowing cheaters and bug abusers to take advantage of the flawed current system